Our focus on preventative dentistry helps patients avoid the need for fillings and reduces the chances of gum disease.
Preventing the build-up of plaque and bacteria on the teeth or gum line is essential to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. Preventing the build-up of plaque and bacteria on the teeth or gum line is essential to keep your mouth as healthy as possible.
Poor hygiene leads to the deterioration of your oral health. It is also important to avoid aggravating factors such as sugary foods and drinks, smoking and other harmful habits. Keeping your teeth clean is a major step towards building your dental defences.
Our preventative dentistry strategy encompasses these following steps:
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day
- Clean between your teeth at least once a day
- Visit our dentist and hygienist for a regular check-up and professional cleaning.
Looking after your teeth is not difficult, however it does require commitment. We can provide support and advice around proper brushing and flossing techniques. We can also support you to care for the dental needs of your children.
Prevention is better than cure, so let us help you achieve the best oral health possible.
Click here or call 01422 229616 to book an appointment with either our hygienists or one of our experienced dentists.